and health center directors also signed performance contracts with the Bishop. The directors of the projects supported by Compassion International signed yesterday, February 25, while the school and health center directors signed today February 26, 2019.
“Imihigo” is a Kinyarwanda word, meaning the setting of goals upon which “Kwesa imihigo” (evaluation) will be conducted at a future point in time. Imihigo is founded on the old Rwandan cultural practice whereby two parties publicly committed them-selves to the achievement of a particularly demanding task.
Failing to meet these commitments usually led to dishonor, not only to the participating individuals but to the community as a whole. Those who achieved their pledges became role models in the community, and their exploits were echoed in history.

Imihigo also included an element of evaluation: a public ceremony was usually organized to facilitate the dissemination of outcomes of an agreed upon undertaking to the community. People’s courage, bravery and hard work set examples which others were usually encouraged to emulate. The spirit of Imihigo in the Rwandan cultural context therefore embodies the principles of setting ambitious goals that require commitment to action and personal responsibility, reciprocity of obligations and mutual respect between higher and lower ranks, higher moral values and patriotism, competition to achieve the best results and evaluation of the outcomes.